Mehdi Oudjida, Consultant analytics freelance


filter control

Looker Studio users can refine and customize the data presented in reports dynamically with filter control. This feature allows viewers to interactively filter the displayed information based on specific criteria like device categories, product brands, marketing channels or any custom field available in the data source. By adjusting these controls, report viewers can focus on the most relevant data for their analysis without needing to create multiple reports.

Custom reports
Google Data Studio chart highlighter

Conditional formatting is typically a very good automatic highlight system for dashboards to read fast and see what it is the more important. On the other hand, Google Data Studio can be also used for manual reports and data viz…

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Google Data Studio reference lines with parameter

Today, Google Data Studio team has released a new feature offering more interactivity for reference lines, available on scatter & trends charts (bar, line, area, combo…) : Parameters as a new option for reference line types. Until now, only constant…

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