Few months ago, I’ve discovered a nice Google hidden URL thanks to a tweet from Ben Collins about a Google Sheets tip. If you use Sheets, I strongly recommend to follow Ben and enjoy what he shares every day. Thank…
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Some tricks to solve quickly real data viz needs in Looker Studio (formerly known as Google Data Studio).
Few months ago, I’ve discovered a nice Google hidden URL thanks to a tweet from Ben Collins about a Google Sheets tip. If you use Sheets, I strongly recommend to follow Ben and enjoy what he shares every day. Thank…
Read moreFilter control is a simple but essential interactive feature of Google Data Studio. We can use it in our reports for very complicated use cases, especially if we take care about element scopes inside our data viz tool (report >…
Read moreThe 22th of October, Google Data Studio team added the option to create table chart with one row per page (the previous minimum number of rows was 5). This was a small but expected feature option that allow users, as…
Read more🤔 Your situation 💡 Fast and easy solution : EMOJI! 🤗 Emojis compatibilities and access Emojis are system-managed special characters. it means that their drawing is made by your operating system. Customizations are possible on each software level (or website)….
Read moreAuthor edit – November 14, 2022 I wrote this article in July 2019, just after the release of treemap chart on Google Data Studio. Since then, our data viz has been rebranded to Looker Studio and a lot of changes…
Read moreConsistency is key and the easy part of data visualisation. We just need to define some presentation rules and to apply it each time we work on the involved contexts. One of these constant rules is the systematic use of…
Read moreGoogle Data Studio (GDS) is intended to create dynamic dashboards for the straightforward operational follow-up of digital performance. On the other hand, power users community is full of imagination to use it for other purposes, enhancing GDS possibilities, notably through…
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